M83’s ‘Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming’ Superhero Video Trilogy Is Revisited With A Dramatic New Prequel

M83 presents a new prelude to his trilogy of Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming music videos, this time for “My Tears Are Becoming a Sea,” in recognition of the album’s tenth anniversary.

The original trilogy consisted of the videos for “Midnight City,” “Reunion,” and “Wait,” which described the tale of a group of youngsters with amazing powers attempting to outsmart people who wanted to get a hold on them and study them. Sacha Barbin and Ryan Doubiago directed the new “My Tears Are Becoming a Sea” video which tells the story of one of those children, M83’s distinctively epic backdrop with the narrative of a baby born who saves his parents from a potentially fatal automobile accident shortly after he was born.

“The concept was to depict the birth of a superhero,” stated Barin and Duobiago in a statement. “We were passionate about creating this piece in a real and integral setting. The alarm caused by this wonderful time, we believe, resonates with everyone. We also wanted to pay tribute to the moms who are all too frequently absent from superhero myth. Finally, to go beyond the genre’s codes to convey a symbolic hopeful message in which future generations would come to save us from a dreadful fate.”

M83 also announced a special 10th-anniversary edition of Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming on transparent orange, in addition to the release of the “My Tears Are Becoming a Sea” video. It is available for pre-order and will come on April 15, 2022.

DSVII, M83’s most recent album, was released in 2019.

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