Britney Spears Claims that Not Making Music is Her Way of Saying, “F–k You”

Britney Spears discussed how her musical attempts were stifled throughout her conservatory and stated flatly that her decision not to release new songs at this time was “my way of saying, ‘Fuck You.'”

Despite the fact that Spears recorded numerous albums and performed on a regular basis during her now-terminated conservatorship, she has been vocal in her criticism of the strict schedule she was compelled to follow, and the restrictions placed on her artistic control. Spears discussed how she dealt with the numerous disappointments brought on by her conservatorship in her most recent Instagram post.

Spears went on to say that while she was trapped performing the same set live, her songs and the remixes she was excited to perform were being shown on network television shows.

Spears discussed another area of her musical career, which she appeared eager to leave in the past: touring in a different Instagram post earlier this month.

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