Blackpink has announced the release of Blackpink the Movie in South Korea and Japan via Trafalgar Releasing and CJ 4DPlex. The film will be released in theatres globally on August 4th and 8th, marking the fifth anniversary of the K-pop quartet's Square One project debut. On June 30th, tickets will...
"The Metallica Blacklist," a 53-track cover album, will be released in September to coincide with the reissue of Metallica's self-titled 1991 album (AKA The Black Album). Various artists have contributed covers to the album, including Mac DeMarco, Chase & Status feat. Backroad Gee, Phoebe Bridgers, SebastiAn, Rina Sawayama, Moses Sumney,...
Damon and Naomi Announced a New LP Along With a Dreamy Folk-Pop Track
Damon & Naomi, the long-running pair comprised of former Galaxie 500 members Damon Krukowski and Naomi Yang, are returning to make all your folk-pop fantasies go away. They recorded A Sky Record with Michio Kurihara on electric guitar; it will be released on their own 20-20-20 label on August 6th,...
Damon Albarn Announced a New Solo LP and Shared Single ‘The Nearer the Fountain, More Pure the Stream Flows’
Damon Albarn has shared a new song titled "The Nearer the Fountain, More Pure the Stream Flows," which is the title song from his forthcoming solo album, which will be released on November 12th through Transgressive Records. The expansive piece “The Nearer the Fountain...” is loaded with gorgeous orchestral elements...
Todd Rundgren Announced a Tour for 2021 Entitled “The Individualist, a True Star”
Todd Rundgren will embark on the Individualist, a True Star Tour this year. The 29-tour will start on October 1st at Big Night Live in Boston, then travels across the United States before ending on November 17th at the Fillmore in San Francisco. The recent Rock & Roll Hall of...
T-Pain claims to have battled depression for four years after Usher told him he "fucked up music for real singers." T-Pain opened out about the incident on a plane in 2013 in the new Netflix documentary "This Is Pop," which explores pop songs and their origins. The musician claims he...
Lorde Shared the Details of her World Tour and Announced the New Album ‘Solar Power’
Solar Power, Lorde's long-awaited third album, will be released on August 20th through Republic Records. The album's announcement comes just a few weeks after Lorde unveiled the album's title single, which was her first new music since her last album, Melodrama, in 2017. Lorde and frequent collaborator Jack Antonoff co-wrote...
Lil Baby Along with Lil Durk Announced the Back Outside Tour 2021
This fall, Lil Baby will join Lil Durk on the Back Outside Tour, singing songs from their collaborative album The Voice of the Heroes as well as earlier hits. The tour opens off on September 1st at the Xfinity Center in Mansfield, Massachusetts, and will stop in New Orleans, Phoenix,...
Method Man Teamed Up With Rap Duo Jones Ink for the Latest Single “Day Ones”
Method Man has collaborated with Massachusetts rap duo Jones Ink on a new track titled "Day Ones." The song is a punchy, at times heartfelt homage to the strength of lifelong friendships. The video for “Day Ones” was directed by Viso of Secret Society Films and features footage of Method...
Neil Young And Crazy Horse are Collaborating on a New Album
Crazy Horse and Neil Young have started working on a follow-up to their 2019 album Colorado. They are recording it in a barn in the Colorado mountains that's fashioned after a barn that fell in the same area in the 1850s. Colorado was Neil Young and Crazy Horse's first album...
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