The music video for Chvrches' new single "He Said She Said," directed by Scott Kiernan, has been released. The scene is set in a dark-room for photography, with glowing red light and prints developing in acid tubs. Lauren Mayberry, the lead singer, appears within a massive revolving door, vigorously recounting...
The Weeknd and Ariana Grande’s Animated Remix Video for “Save Your Tears” Is Out Now
Ariana Grande and The Weeknd have collaborated on a new remix of The Weeknd's smash hit "Save Your Tears." The Weeknd's chart-topping fourth studio album, "After Hours," features the original hit. The Weeknd has appeared in the sunglasses that mark his After Hours character, who is engineering an animated version...
Dave Keuning, the Killers’ guitarist Announced the Release of his New solo Album, “A Mild Case of Everything”
Dave Keuning took a hiatus from the Killers indefinitely in 2017 due to fatigue from the band's heavy touring schedule — and he wasn't involved in the making of their 2020 album Imploding The Mirage — but he hasn't been idle. Prismism, his under-the-radar solo debut, was released two years...
Deftones Collaborated With Leigh Whannell for New Video ‘Ceremony’
The Deftones have released a new music video for "Ceremony," which was directed by Leigh Whannell, who also directed the thriller "The Invisible Man" last year. The video features Cleopatra Coleman as a woman who enters a labyrinth of increasingly secretive bars and clubs, where the price of entry takes...
Dinosaur Jr.’s Latest Claymation Video for “Take It Back ” Is Out
Dinosaur Jr. has released the video for the album's "Take It Back" ahead of the release of their new album Sweep It Into Space this Friday. The vibrant visual includes Callum Scott-Dyson who directed the claymation and stop-motion animation video, which was inspired by the painted creature on Sweep It...
With ‘I Need Some of That,’ Weezer Reflects on Metal Daydreams
The metal-inspired single "I Need Some of That," from Weezer's forthcoming album Van Weezer, has been released. Rivers Cuomo recalls a simpler period as a "little punk" as the song begins with steady drums and a Van Halen-esque guitar riff. Crush Music/Atlantic Records will release Van Weezer on May 7th....
Little Simz, a Rapper from the U.K., Teases his Upcoming Album with the Majestic “Introvert”
Little Simz has released “Introvert,” a new song and video from her forthcoming album, Sometimes I Might Be Introvert, which will be released on September 3rd through Age 101. “Introvert” is a big song that starts with a big orchestral fanfare and keeps going as Simz peels off bars about...
RZA Revives Bobby Digital Alter Ego for The Latest Track Entitled: Pugilism
For the first time in 13 years, RZA dons his Bobby Digital persona for his latest song "Pugilism," the first single from his forthcoming album Bobby Digital: Digital Potions. The Wu-Tang mastermind's long history of fusing samples from kung-fu movies into his music continues with "Pugilism," which, according to previous...
The Foo Fighters’ Psychedelic Animated Video for “Chasing Birds” Has Been Released
The Foo Fighters have launched a bizarre animated music video for their single "Chasing Birds," which appears on their new album Medicine at Midnight. The video depicts Dave Grohl and the rest of the Foos going on a long, weird trip in the desert, which is based on the song's...
Flying Lotus Released Two New Tracks From ‘Yasuke,’ An Forthcoming Anime Series
Flying Lotus has unveiled two new tracks, "Black Gold" and "Between Memories," that was written by him for the forthcoming Netflix anime series Yasuke, which premieres on April 29th. The show's opening theme, "Black Gold," features Thundercat and captures a mysterious atmosphere with its banging drums and winding synths. Meanwhile,...
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